A tight ass, popular mp3 player that is a fashion statement, holds shit loads of songs/pics/videos( if video capable), they come in differnet sizes and prices, the ones that are available are: ipod nano, ipod mini,ipod video. the best one is the ipod video 30gb($299.00) Getcha an ipod.
homie 1: "listenin to new music on his ipod."
homie 2: watcha get there mayne?
homie 1: its that new ipod video cuz.
homie 2: oh shit let me see that!
homie 1: iight here
homie 2: dayyyum thats hott!
homie 1: yup but the price aint as cool.
homie 2: you gotta pay 99c a download for this thang?
homie 1: nah i download that shit for free off limewire
homie1: brb i gotta run to circuitcity!
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