someone who loves and usually obsessed with coronaviruses and coronavirus diseases
William is so addicted to bat viruses. He's one mad covidophile!
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someone who is not an expert in science
Flattening the curve is not effective says the non-scientist.
fast and easy food ordering system providing ready-to-eat dishes
Cassie: I'm really craving for pizza now...
Max: Hey, there's a rapid taste around the corner where we can order two slices for 1 dollar!
A church-hopper is an attendant of different churches who avoids church accountability groups because of rejection, embarrassment, hostility, and control.
"Churchian the Zealous is a church-hopper?"
"Yes, it's obvious, he's not churchy!"
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an uncontrollable obsession or preoccupation with coronavirus diseases like covid-19
Covidmania is breaking all mania records worldwide!
1. fear of the end of all things
2. fear of Eschaton ('last thing')
3. fear of the 'last days'
4. fear of the 'end times'
5. fear of the 'end of the world'
Doctor: "You have any phobias?"
Client: "Um, eschatonphobia - fear of the end of all things"
1. an alternative expression to black swan theory
2. a metaphor to unpredictable events attributed to its Chinese origins like Covid-19 pandemic
Donald: The emergence of Covid-19 pandemic is a red swan.
Mickey: Wow, it's made in China!
Donald: That's why I call it, "Chinese virus".
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