Ignorant, but popular Brooklyn dialect for an oil change
Mechanic at a gas station: ``Hey, did youse know youse is overdue for an earl change?''
Accomplished assholes who have contributed to the common good.
Toilet paper inventor Joseph Gayetty will go down in the anals of history
The phone you use to call dicks.
``Hey asshole, did you call that schmuck yet? No, I'm waiting for you to get off the dickdaphone.''
the underbelly cooter-scooter of a female being.
I asked Emily if i could eat her lady knob and she said no.
Osama Bin Laden's lesser known brother who does magic tricks
Now trying to enter the country, Sim Sa La Bim
3👍 2👎
Melit: That guy really knows his shit.
Schmelit: He should, he's a shitarian.
The investor of inflammatory Bow Disease, commonly known as IBS.
Dr. I.B. Shitting was the first to move diarrhea from the bowels of the bathroom to acceptable dinner table chat with one simple acronym.