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ok...tired of people arguing he exists. Whether he exists or not, u dont have to put hate messages

i believe...im not gonna cram my beliefs down your throat, but i beleive. I believe that God created the universe, and species evolved and so forth into humans. If you want proof God exists, wheres the proof that he DOESNT exist. no one knows for sure. but everything had to come from something,

and also, the bible isnt to be taken literally. They are just stories on how to live a good life. For example, obiously Adam and Eve werent real, but the stories and virtues that could be taken from Genesis are whats important. Dont take the bible literally, its just a guide.

p.1- I believe in God
p.2- hahah thats a load of b.s
p.1- Why do u make fun of me for believing in God. I dont make fun of you for being gay

by tjizzle702 March 4, 2008

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