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A food that some Jewish people eat on Shabbat. This food takes a long time to cook, and is often made in a croc-pot. Its preperation begins the day before, because you are not supposed to work on the sabbath.

The Rosenburg family ate chulent for lunch on Saturday afternoon.

by tm October 9, 2004

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

peach fuzz

When a guy first goes through puberty and decides he wants look more mature. To accomplish this he unsucessfully tries to grow facial hair. A very common look among teens from the trailer park. It come in light and sparse like the fuzz on a peach.

Joe: "Whats up Julio? Like my stache? I've been working on it for a few months."
Julio: "Awesome."

by tm January 26, 2005

868πŸ‘ 278πŸ‘Ž


what you say to someone who gets all uppity when you make some jibe. Picture little old ladies raising their handbags in front of them and going "oooOOOOOooo"

TM: "...you're like their poster boy."

S: "WHAT? I can't believe you are saying that. In fact in the last two weeks i've taken the initiative to organise peeps I know to get to a private-party-in-a-club called Traffik, and to an upcoming Latin-inspired outdoor dance festival. Most people know which is my favourite venue (and, incidentally, I know which is most other peoples favourite as well because they've told me so, but there's always the odd one out) but that hasn't precluded me from going to loads of other clubs and events in the past just as it won't in the future..."

TM: "oooOOOOOooo! Ok man - don't have a hernia"

by tm June 14, 2004

24πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Term used to describe South Boston, a part of Boston, MA. Southie is well known for its bars and the Irishmen that live in them.

Man, there sure are a lot of drunken mics here in Southie.

by tm September 14, 2004

568πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž


kulanu is a thing that meets every wednesday night from 7 to 9pm, and it also meets of sundays, at temple sinai in stamford, ct. it is fun. BCDS, people are cool!!!

Are you going to kulanu tonight?

by tm December 16, 2004

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


1)The act of doing something stupid.

2)The last two notes of the "Wirth's an idiot" song, indicating a stupid act (Db,Eb).

1) Look! Matt just pulled another Wirth!

2) Tarfow just dropped his sticks again! Some one, play a wirth!

by tm December 30, 2005

13πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Suggestion that the accused has little awareness of the situation.

"Nod...hammmer?" Made with appropriate waving motion of the wrist at head-height, suggestive of the movement of a nodhammer lightly tapped against the bonce. Note - a nodhammer is an emergency hammer used to break glass on Danish Trains. Not to be confused with the nothammer, on some other European trains.

by tm December 5, 2003