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A lunatic conspiracy propagated by absolute dickheads on social media... enough said.

'have you seen my latest photos of the sky.. see the chemtrail?'

'no.. i see a prick that will do anything to make their lives feel more exciting'

by tom healey August 30, 2016

36πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


Social media driven 'wank-speak' for when another cretin that is like you says something you agree with.

'like, bro.. did a mad trap tune'

'like, bro.. preach it...youll get loads of likes'

by tom healey September 14, 2016

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Defined as making music with technology. This genre isnt dance music and was never meant to be. It is a good alternative to commercial music and has many subgenres. The worst type of 'techno' is called 'minimal' - this style is not to be confused with 'minimal techno' and is a kid of childish version of techno that fills large rooms full of non eventful drops for puke kids.

'like duuude... im so into that minimal drop after the 4 miniute white noise build...!!! i love techno!!!'

'no, you like rubbish drops and shouldnt be alive'

by tom healey August 29, 2016

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The art of looking at your device while someone is trying to communicate with your tech obsessed capitalist ass.

A display of utter cuntishness in the modern age of moronic device driven drones that lack everything unless they are able to get 4g.

'Hello - ..'ive just seen a.......'
' **doesnt speak looks at phone half way through just one sentence ... ***phubbing

'ive just been phubbed... 'what a phubbing prick'... it possibly saved me from a very dull conversation'

by tom healey September 10, 2016

87πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


used by eternally adolescent drama queens to exclaim about anything and everything they see, do or hear

'like i was totes like omg and we at this party and i was like o..m....g.....!!! then she phoned me and said he was banged up for the night and i was like OMG lets have a selfie ..totes this is literally me .. selfie'

passer by..

'kills himself'... like, literally'

by tom healey August 31, 2016

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


One of the best ways to show how utterly devoid of intelligence you are and how you follow childish social media trends is to use this stupid phrase.

'oh youre getting all BUTTHURT....lol'

'im just going to collect my flame thrower i'll be back'

by tom healey August 30, 2016

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Broke the Internet

An overly exaggerated way of saying 'you've done well' - as if to say that the internet is the most valuable thing ever. Used by the same types that say 'bro' - and 'literally' too much

like, duuuude.... you broke the internet with that prank...'

by tom healey August 29, 2016

24πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž