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Modern colloquialism adapted to “woke” culture to describe a promiscuous male. Term originated in this sense circa 2015. Prior to the “me too” movement and other cultural awakenings, the behavior was excused, even glorified, as just being a guy.

Technology bring a new aspect to this term, as the conquests of a “fuckboy” may not always be sexual. These flippant actors often seek emotional dependence without true reciprocation as well. The use of text messaging, dating applications and the transfer of explicit imagery enhance the broadness of this emotionless promiscuity.

Becky - “John just texted me for nudes.”
Sam - “He only hits you up when he wants something.”
Becky - “Yea, he’s a fuckboy.”
Sam - “Well, you’re a whore.”
Becky - hits send….

by toooldtobehere August 28, 2022

Zionsville Karen

10th degree Karen, or “Uber Karen”. This is the highest level of achievement on the Karen Scale. A derivative of the slang term Karen, meaning busybody or hypocritical well-to-do Mom who seeks drama and complains about things that don’t have any implications to her. Preceded by “Zionsville”, a snobbish town in Indiana where racism and classism is hidden behind a veil of midwestern pleasantry.

Zionsville Karen 1 - “This meeting of Zionsville Karen’s is called to elect a new Grand Karen.”

Zionsville Karen 2 - “Could I talk to the manager here PLEASE?! I think some of the voters are not from Zionsville. IF I don’t win, I’d like to see a recount.”

by toooldtobehere August 28, 2022


Short for Dunning-Kruger, Patient Zero. This is a term used to define the ultimate source of self-aggrandizing stupidity in the known universe. Patient Zero is the greatest expression of lacking introspective thought. This entity possess such a low IQ that he/she/it lacks the ability to rationalize their own mental inadequacy and inverts that lack into a sense of extreme confidence. Those near this being or thing are often dumbfounded by the lack of logic and self-awareness.

In mathematics, this entity is expressed by the number - Banana.

*Extreme caution should be taken in any proposed revelations involving this being. DKP0 is unaware of their position as the epicenter of unsound mental fortitude.

Mike - “I found out I was allergic to peanut butter because I nearly died every time I ate it. I guess I’m qualified to practice medicine now.”

Observer - “Holy shit, that must be DKP0.”

by toooldtobehere August 28, 2022


Short for Dunning-Kruger, Patient Zero. This is a term to define the ultimate source of self-aggrandizing stupidity in the known universe. Patient Zero is the greatest expression of lacking rational, introspective thought. This entity possess such a low IQ that he/she/it lacks the ability to rationalize their own mental inadequacy and inverts that lack into a sense of extreme confidence. Those near this being or thing are often dumbfounded by the lack of logic and self-awareness.

M - “I found out I was allergic to peanut butter because I nearly died every time I ate it. I guess I’m qualified to practice medicine now.”

Observer - “Holy shit, that must be DKP0.”

by toooldtobehere August 28, 2022