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A group of individuals who band together and form these clicks, called "gangs". Cal themeselves "gangstas" Not to be confused with organized crime, like the mafia who are "gangsters".

Some well known gangs are Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings, Hell's Angels, etc...

Despite what you will read and hear from suburban people, who say gangstas are total losers without any hope aka "ghetto trash", I have yet to see any of them go to a gang infested area and say that to an actual 'gangsta'.

Because those so called "losers" will not hesitate to kill you if they deem it necessary.

Gangsta: Yo yo yo yo, it's da east side rip ride, BK all day bitch

Gangster(mafia): Say hello to my little friend!!!


Suburban white kid: ugh, such ghetto trash, I must go and shop at A&F now, those new shirts are absolutely divine...

Gang member: what the FUCK, *bam*

by trapstarcartel April 15, 2009

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