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painting porcelain

the act of defecating on such a large scale that the interior of a normally white porcelain toilet bowl is rendered an entirely different color, typically brown

"Jim, where are you headed off to in such a hurry?"
"I don't think that oyster burrito agreed with me. I'm pretty sure it's gonna have me painting porcelain."

by triebkore February 8, 2012


The act of labeling a person “racist”, “sexist”, or somethinglikeit-ist in situations where these are not warranted, in an attempt to exploit the stigmas accompanying such labels and force the opponent to spend time and energy explaining “why he/she is not a bigot”.

If you disagree with Sally on anything political, all she does is call you a sexist, racist, homophobe. Classic bigoteering.

by triebkore July 26, 2020

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