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A beautiful girl who has brown hair,brown eyes, and tan skin. She is skinny with about b or c cup of boobs. She has natural beauty, she doesnt hardly wear alot of makeup. She is shy with people she isnt comfortable with. Whenever she is comfortable with you she will talk up a storm. She is very passive whenever people do stuff to her but whenever she cant take it anymore she blows up and pushes you out of her life. She is very mature but sometimes she thinks about herself before other people. She gets along with older people and usually dates older guys because they match her maturaty level. She acts silly alot and loves to party and have a good time. Sometimes she can be the buzz killer because she thinks of stuff before she does it. If she wants to do something she will do it, nobody really infuences her. Most people get on her nerves. Alot of people envy her and make up rumors and lies because they are jealous of her. Girls love to hate on her because it makes there selfasteem higher and makes them feel better about themselves. Shes a truefriend. She doesnt make up lies or rumors about people even though they do it to her. But she will tell people all the mean stuff that, that person has done to her.

Kelli is shy but once you get to know her she is alot of fun.

by truth123456789 November 18, 2011

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