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to go in hard on somebody for making a idiotic statement, beyond a par. you shank them with the slew-driver and dont stop the slewage until they realise what a bumbaclart statement they have made

Bashy: Who enjoyed Top Boy Tonight...? I did...Episode 3 Tomorrow!

Jamie: Ur acting was amazing guess BRITS payed off fam

TuPat Òő: ‎@JAMIE wen was bashy in it? its not dubplate drama, i beg you comment back so i can shank you with the slew-driver pure poomplex movements

by tupat November 2, 2011

3👍 2👎


a rating system were something that looks abit fruity, or just pleasant to the eye receives a zing

check the bumper on that girl she definately gets my zing rating

by tupat August 12, 2008

3👍 72👎


Daily Food choice of construction site dosser consisting of rustlers microwave cheese burger and monster/rockstar energy drink.

Look at that cunt hogging the microwave i bet he is heating up his dosseróle from all the hard graft he has done on his snap chat all day.......

by tupat January 16, 2021