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A person who associates with the liberal political movement all while trying to paradoxically halt freedoms like speech and encourage thought policing.

Look at those libtards trying to control others behavoir. Clearly they do not understand the true meaning of liberal.

by twotwenty July 13, 2021

8252👍 134👎


A combination of words which expression compounds into a purely good, relational, asyncronous, meta, awesome expression of the enlightened.

1. News that is good/Good.
2. GNU and FOSS news.

(GNU/FOSS are sub categories of pure good.)

I got the gnews today, congratulations.

Great gnews GNU/Hurd is the most popular kernel, everyone is using it.

The greatest of all gnews possible is we have achieved world peace next stop enlightenment, na mean.

by twotwenty September 17, 2017


The proper English spelling of na mean.
1. Singular word that asks "Do you know what I mean".
see na mean

Ah, I do say, Sir William, this tea is most certainly delightful, na'mean?

by twotwenty September 17, 2017