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World Conquest

World Conquest ( Roblox ) is a roleplaying game that is based on nations that you can Roleplay as. You can preform military actions and etc. it’s ran by retarded mods that have a criminal conviction irl.

“Fucking asshole World Conquest mod banned me again.”

by typicalasshole June 28, 2022

9👍 3👎

World Conquest Moderation Team

WC Mods are power tripping assholes that ban people for absolutely no reason and have zero justification and usually get away with it. “well that’s just a normal discord mod?” Well there’s a twist, they are either A full on Taliban supporter ( Noorullah ) or a fat fuck that instigates fights like an asshat. There’s also the Child Predator AKA linkwhy.

World Conquest Moderation Team sucks ass

by typicalasshole June 28, 2022

9👍 1👎