simptok is the real name of TikTok because it's user base is just made of simps that support any hoe and report or ghost any real content creator
Stop making hoes
famous on simptok, man up and stop being a simp you little loser
Faot is short for Faggot but a word you wont banned for when you want to insult disgusting homosexuals
oh look steve is a Faot his anus is loose
16👍 6👎
is the phobia of people with mental ilnesses like homosexuality, lesbianism,furries, shemales, pedophilia and anything that is of a disgusting nature
I'am Mental illnessphobic ifind faggots disgusting
32👍 16👎
is the act of liking pussy if ur a man or the acot of liking penis if ur a woman
heterosexuality is on the decline thx to faggot homos
23👍 36👎
Maminist Is a rights group for men
The Maminists were protesting that the feminists who already have more rights and get paid more still protesting for nothing
6👍 4👎
get ready to get fucked
playing a game online"
Player A PREPARE UR ANUS FUCKER, then player A rage quit and leaves.
19👍 14👎
being scared of muslims because you watch the media and believe what is said.
this stupid racist site allowed people to write what they thin, stupid assholes lol
when it is Islamophobia it is bad but when its homophobia it isn't and cant be used politically
basically pure bullshit
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