Source Code

Rebecca Black

Our response to Justin Bieber. After Hannah Montana began ruining music, Canada sent us this faggot to destroy it further. In retaliation, we unleashed something that was so bad that it's screwing both of us.

Seriously, why is it that these fucking people with no talent make shit-tons of money, yet if I walk into a label and tell them I can sing, I get fucking laughed at? It's bullshit.

Dear USA,
After having suffered through years of torture at the hands of this "Hannah Montana", we are sending in our specialist on shitty music. His name is Justin Bieber.


Dear Canada,
I'll see your Bieber and raise you one singer whose worse than anything in existance. Say hello to Rebecca Black.
Love, the USA

Dear USA,
You win.

by uberhero117 November 4, 2011

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