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literally the best country in the world, it's a really long and thin country (skinnniiii), it has the best landscapes ever (dessert, beach, montains; search for "desierto de atacama", "catedrales de marmol" and "torres del paine" in google, thank me later), the people its literally so nice to people from other countrys (they are not so good to each others some times tehee) and they speak a funny spanish, they have a lot of cool words that literally only chilean people know the meaning lol.
It has like 3 different climates, the north is hot bc is dessert, the centre is like tropical(?, and the south is cold af. but in the south you can find the prettiest places ever so its worht it, and the people are so cute.
Chile has suffer a lot in the past bc of a dumb boy named Pinochet who literally though that by killing, torturing, and disappearing people Chile was going to be better (? yeah he was stupid, but anyway Chile is a very good country and if want to see some pretty places and want to travel you should go to Chile.
I'm sorry if my english was not that good but im Chilean and i speak spanish tehee, hope you come visit us in CHILE

random guy: let's travel somewhere where we can see landscapes and pretty stuffff
random guy 2: LET'S GO TO CHILE

by una chilena po xd September 29, 2020