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hehe get keen

when you don't have a clue what to say and you need to fill in the silence



by unicorrn_69 September 2, 2020


Good morning kind sir is the greeting you say to a zombie villager in a well. It is also the greeting of a posh British person with their posh British words, with their post British clothes and their posh British pigeons.

GMKS you look dead today

by unicorrn_69 August 28, 2020


ONLY USE IF YOU NEED TO BREAK SILENCE! must add a random move to it.

Timothy: "SQUA"

by unicorrn_69 September 23, 2020

Stubby Mushroom

a nickname you can give to a short person

Short person: "im short"
tall person: "you are a stubby mushroom"

by unicorrn_69 September 2, 2020