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in anglo-saxon society, the clan's historian. remember the book "the giver," and the old guy who remembered everything. a scop is kinda like that

bill: the scop was the clan's historian

pill: kinda like "the giver"

by unusu-al November 8, 2003

12πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

wrong uses for this

idk; i'm still pretty naive about many sex terms cos i don't get any. this site is pretty handy for that.

otherwise, yea, people are getting to into things. including me lol.

omg im gonna get mad because he made a joke!

were all friends here <3

by unusu-al March 7, 2004

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


ibm is an acronym for "international business machines." it is a widely known computer company.

ibm started quite a while ago - we could probably safely assume around the time of ENIAC, or earlier. they created a standard in computers (i.e., an ibm-compatible machine) and are still around.

despite ibm's age, they never broke up like ma bell.

bill:i got an ibm machine

by unusu-al May 23, 2004

35πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


a worldwide fast food restaurant chain. they are most always conveniently located every few miles or so. very handy when going on humungous day long drives across the country.

unfortunately, while they are convenient they have very lacking sanitation. flies landing on food and shitting on it so you can eat diseased dog shit. cleaning 20 tables with one filthy rag.

ugh i think a piece of shit fell from the ceiling

by unusu-al February 8, 2004

74πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

angry fruit salad

a gui that has too damn many bright colours

bill: bah look at that gui it looks like angry fruit salad
pill: ya its 2 colorful

by unusu-al September 13, 2003

14πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


really cool media player. for one thing, it has all sorts of nice obscure plugins that play all my favorite old song formats (i.e., .sid, .gym) from, like, the c64 and the sega genesis.

bill: omg auf wiedersehen monty is so intense
pill: ya but even more so if u listen 2 it through sidamp which is a winamp plugin
bill: also i like zero wing music
pill: once again it's only truly experienced through a winamp plugin

by unusu-al October 11, 2003

117πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


thin cardboard discs about the diameter of a half-dollar coin. the term "pog" comes from a bottled fruit punch in hawaii, with the primary flavors {p}assion fruit, {o}range and {g}uava; the cardboard discs would come out of the lid.

after a while, pogs caught on in mainstream US culture, so companies sold the discs minus the drink and bottle. the mass produced pogs were decorated with lil pictures.

pogs are utilized in a game in which they are stacked up in lil piles. the players throw heavy, thick discs of plastic or metal (about the diameter of the pogs) at them. when the pogs settle after being bashed, whichever ones land face up are kept by the thrower of the slammer. the one with the most pogs wins.

pogs are no longer popular. like furby they were simply a fad that died out.

bill: let's play pogs!
pill: wtf pogs arent popular anymore

by unusu-al June 30, 2004

859πŸ‘ 426πŸ‘Ž