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Pull a Jason Rothenberg

To constantly bait your audience, so you wont be homeless, then eventually letting them down to the point 60% of them leave.

Jason: ‘leaks a bellarke picture two days before the finale thats of them hugging and acting intimately’

The Day after the Finale: Oh yeah, thejr just non romantic best friend soulmates...

Dont Pull a Jason Rothenberg

by ur mom geiy August 9, 2018


something to type when you're bored.

she typed alksjdfh on her laptop because she was bored.

by ur mom geiy April 3, 2018


a ship with absolutely no development, that occured offscreen. they met in a cage, and was only created because bellamy was lonely in space and didnt have clarke...

“Did you see the becho scene last night.”

“Yeah, I almost threw up...”

by ur mom geiy August 9, 2018

171👍 47👎