Source Code


A prep is someone who doesn't need to tell people that they are a prep people just assume. Preps wear nice clothes usualy consisting of polo, lily pulitzer, lacoste, j crew, ect. They are the people everyone wants to be. Always composed and looking fresh. Never wearing loads of make-up but still looking good. We all have a collection of purses including at least 5 of any of these: a coach, dooney and burke, or a vera bradley. Our collars are always flipped and never have a crease.

Girls: a daily outfit; polo shirt with collar popped and a plaid mini and eliza b flip flops, not to mention tiffany jewlrey

Guys: a daily outfit; polo shirt with collar popped and plaid shorts with birkenstoks

Preps Never:
1. wear trashy clothes
2. show too much clevage
3. except an engagment ring that doesn't come in a turquoise box
4. go anywhere without a ribbon handy

Classic Prep: always summering in the hamptons or the vinyard. Plays golf, lacrosse, field hockey, or soccer.

The New Prep: summering wherever they want but always end up having a good time. Shop at all the cutest stores but only but what is concidered preppy. Play field hockey, lacrosse or soccer ; but the occasional golfer.

There that preppy girl goes with her collar flipped up and her adorable lacrosse boyfriend

by urban dictionary May 17, 2004

34πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


abbreviation for the phrase "bitch ass nigga". often used in chat rooms.

chater1: yo
chater2: sup
chater1: nm, yo i hooked up with your sister
chater2: you b.a.n!!

by urban dictionary March 25, 2007

121πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


A sport involving lots of running at a fast pace. The hardest working athletes are usually on track. Although they get little glory they know why they do it... Fo' the LADIES

The hottest girls in the school were the long distance runners on the track team

by urban dictionary June 2, 2004

1139πŸ‘ 329πŸ‘Ž

Relationship Terrorist

ri-ley-shuh n-ship ter-er-ist
An individual(s) who under no circumstances can be happy for ones that have a good relationship and feel the need to come out of their sleeper cell to reign their terrorist acts against those in love.

These Relationship Terrorist are highly skilled in the art of sabotage and deceit. They are motivated and dedicated to their cause as they take the daring role in our society posing as best friends and/or relatives. Fueled by their own misery of a failing relationship, there is little that can stop these cunning beings. They are known to go to great lengths to fabricate stories and twist reality to the ones they prey on. The Relationship Terrorist then sits back and watch in glee after they ignite the fuse to the atomic bomb set forth at the soft underbellies of the unsuspecting relationship goers. The end goal of the Relationship Terrorist is to create a holocaust of all good relationships that have a future.

Please beware and exercise great caution as these insurgents have infiltrated and taken refuge in the Palm Beach County area (Boca Raton/ Delray Beach is known to be the epicenter of their operation).

How is your girlfriend?

She left me and now I am walking the cliffs of suicide because some Relationship Terrorist decided to drop a nuke on our smoke pit of loveҀ¦.

OhҀ¦they got you too?

by urban dictionary January 13, 2009

28πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Angry Angry Asian

Also known as AAA, a very very angry asian who can't contain his anger towards white people.

The opposite of the KKK who committed racist hate towards black people, the AAA is a cult of asians within the midlands in the UK who commit racial crime and terrorism towards the white.

Rakesh you angry angry asian stop hitting Thomas!!

by urban dictionary April 1, 2008

98πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


A group if owners in Essex England who own or hurt physically or emotionally and destroy poeples stuff. See www.riceo.co.uk for more on the ownateers

"Did you hear what the ownateers did to that kids bag? It got owned!"

by urban dictionary August 10, 2004

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

hill billy

see hick billy

by urban dictionary June 6, 2003

33πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž