Source Code


The resturant that Farva goes to in the movie Super Troopers

Captian: "I'll pistol Wip the next guy who says Shinanigans"
Mac: "Hey Farva, whats that resterant you always goto, you know the one with all the shit on the walls."
Farva: "what Shinanigans?, is it Shinanigans guys?"

by urban dictionary April 7, 2004

106πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž



(v.)The act of becoming extremely fucked up on any drugs and/or alchohol. Another word for "tipsy," except more sofisticated sounding.

(adj.) The state of being extremely fucked up on any drugs and/or alchohol.

(v.) I dont hang out with him anymore. All he does is prange in his spare time, and my parents say that's bad.

(adj.) I saw Timmy getting pranged in the bathroom before 4th period, today.

by urban dictionary July 31, 2005

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


The term used when your extremely intoxicated or under the infuence of ecstacy and are wandering around with your friend(s)

Come on boys and we float over to the garage,the rest of the lads are floating already

by urban dictionary October 5, 2006

54πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is very outgoing and loves their friends all the time. Scared of things at times, but triumphs them when they have inspiration. Someone who is very good at their talent, but shouldn't get a big head about it. Someone who believes in love and falls in love easily. Someone who has mixed emotions. Keep your Kittrell close to you. He probably loves you and will do anything for you. Kittrell you are an inspiration to us all

Kittrell is very outgoing
Kittrell can be my baby daddy

by urban dictionary October 10, 2013

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž



"Quirky" means "having a peculiarity" or "having or showing a tendancy to suddenly twist and turn."

by urban dictionary September 29, 2003

147πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž


There are two types of attraction, physical attraction and interpersonal attraction. physical attraction you can fix to some degree and interpersonal attraction you can also fix 100%. Generally attraction can be built and used in your favour to get what you desire. Attraction can be learnt. Some people are more attractive than others. They call it 'value'. It is value that is importance and it is up to you to increase your value so hence make u more attractive. How to increase your value is a whole new ballgame.

To be attractive, is to increase your value and become what people want and desire. Its a skillset that some people have naturally or dont have at all.

If people like spending time with you and always around you, then you are some what attractive to those people, you may not be attractive to everyone but too those people only.

Being attractive to most people is a unique skill that not many have but it can be learnt.

In female eyes, rock stars and famous singers and bands have high value whereas non-famous people have 'lower perceived value'. This value determines your attractive. You have to demonstrate value to be seen as attractive.

by urban dictionary December 26, 2008

232πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž

Anal Alien

A piece of shit that looks excrutiatingly unique

That piece of green shit began to move so i quickly flushed that anal alien

by urban dictionary April 27, 2004

54πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž