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Lmao means 'laugh my ass off'. But during the 1990's , prostitutes use the phrase too. For them it means 'lick me all over'.

Matt: My hamster couldn't swim and it drowned LMAO.

1990's people: What the fuuc?

by user0690 November 6, 2022


Like blush, which is blood rush. Studying means 'student dying'.

The teacher taught us studying tips.

by user0690 November 5, 2022


Studying comes from two different word, 'student' and 'dying'. Basically means student dying.

Person 1: Omg did you see the news about the deaths of two students?

Person 2: Yes, it is said that they've been studying too hard.

by user0690 November 5, 2022


Similar pronunciation like 'catastrophe'. But different meaning. Catasstrophy means getting a trophy for the most clean and nice looking cat ass.

Bob: Yo bro, what tf is the shiny golden thing there that looks like a cat's butthole?

Bro: Oh that's the catasstrophy i got.

by user0690 November 20, 2022


Moleasses is not something that is dark, sweet, syrupy byproduct made during the extraction of sugars from sugarcane and sugar beets. Well, it is dark but I don't recommend you to taste it.

I cried so hard when my mom told me I couldn't use my moleasses as syrup on my pancakes.

by user0690 November 20, 2022


Tronomy means 'the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole'

Therefore, Asstronomy means branch of science that mainly consist of the planet Uranus.

The study of asstronomy is basically about Uranus

by user0690 November 5, 2022