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Jesus freak

Jesus Freak: not, as many seem to believe, any christian. most christians are okay. but jesus freaks are in a class of their own. every religion has the fanatics, and the reason christianity has one with a name is because the religion is in the government and ruining peoples lives... ahem. anyway, a jesus freak is a christian who a)thinks anyone who isnt christian is a satanist, b)thinks they have to kill these "Satanists", c)is a homophobe (if theyre a homophobe because that's what the LORD says...x.x), d)goes around pushing christianity on everyone and tries to "save" everything thats alive and non-christian, e)puts people down because of what they where or say or listen to if they think its going against the lord or something, and/or f) thinks god will sort the dead out and therefore doesnt care if they or someone else dies.

"Ahh, look at that person flailing about in the water, I think he's drowning... oh well, the Lord will bring him to heaven. If he's not a believer, hey, let him go to Hell!" -random jesus freak

by vaela March 22, 2005

88👍 102👎

A Complete Waste

includes all of the following: entries on urban dictionary that make reference to one's own name and how cool they are, posts about a girlfriend or boyfriend and how hot they are, obscure acronyms that are made up, words or phrases that people said once and are only funny to that person, inside jokes, entries intended to be funny but aren't, a word or phrase someone is trying to catch on to mainstream lingo but its just too fucking retarded to remember or care about, posts about countries and tornado classifications. See also Fucktard, asshat, retard, etc.

"enter name here: the coolest person ever!!!"
"sdubkibowf: something to say when you're mad"

I know you all know what I'm talking about

by vaela February 10, 2005

64👍 9👎


In reference to the subculture;
A term that has been thrown around so much these days, who knows what it actually means. I know that, it seems to be defined by the music you listen to... which I think, personally, is ridiculous. Even some of the the open minded people who say they are goth assume that all fans of slipknot and manson are posers, and think that they're badass because they listen to that music. Well, here's a newsflash- goths can wear tons of different styles of clothes and listen to different styles of music. Just because someone listens to Slipknot or Marilyn Manson doesn't mean they are poser. There are a lot of types of goths, and suggesting music defines the person is just stupid and close-minded. So, instead of listening to all these people saying "goths are depressed, suicidal satanists (which, btw, isnt the evil religion people make it out to be o.O)" ALONG with "all people who like slipknot and manson are posers who think theyre goths and are just trying to be 'cool'", why don't you listen to me and the other people with brains out there who know that "goth" doesn't rely on music or religion or anything like that.
(shortened version: a subculture that ISN'T just about wearing black nail polish and listening to certain music and its hard to define it, because theyre all so different.)

Music doesn't make the goth.

by vaela March 8, 2005

7👍 4👎


In reference to the subculture;
A term that has been thrown around so much these days, who knows what it actually means. I know that, it seems to be defined by the music you listen to... which I think, personally, is ridiculous. Even some of the the open minded people who say they are goth assume that all fans of slipknot and manson are posers, and think that they're badass because they listen to that music. Well, here's a newsflash- goths can wear tons of different styles of clothes and listen to different styles of music. Just because someone listens to Slipknot or Marilyn Manson (can't defend linkin park, though...) doesn't mean they are poser. There are a lot of types of goths, and suggesting music defines the person is just stupid and close-minded. So, instead of listening to all these people saying "goths are depressed, suicidal satanists (which, btw, isnt the evil religion people make it out to be o.O)" ALONG with "all people who like slipknot and manson are posers who think theyre goths and are just trying to be 'cool'", why don't you listen to me and the other people with brains out there who know that "goth" doesn't rely on music or religion or anything like that.
(shortened version: a subculture that ISN'T just about wearing black nail polish and listening to certain music and its hard to define it, because theyre all so different.)

Goths are not all alike, and music doesn't make the goth.

by vaela March 8, 2005

7👍 7👎