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Cunticism is a belief or behavior involving uncritical malice, particularly for an extreme pointless or funny cause or in most cases involving weaker minded people, or with an obsessive enthusiasm for a evil pastime or hobby. Philosopher Matthew Everett defines Cunticism as "doubling your effort when you have no real aim other than to irritate "

A popular example of internet Cunticism is trolling.

by valuablelesson June 16, 2011

2👍 1👎


soda ia an abbreviation for Sophisticated Obscene Degenerate Abuse

This term is given to the people who abuse degenerates in complex or intricate way, and if you dont know what a degenerate is look it up.

"That pedophile needs some soda"

by valuablelesson September 19, 2006

23👍 29👎


soda ia an abbreviation for Sophisticated Obscene Degenerate Abuse

This term is given to the people who abuse degenerates in complex or intricate way, and if you dont know what a degenerate is look it up.

"That pedophile needs some soda"

by valuablelesson September 19, 2006

15👍 24👎