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pussy fart

Gas expelled from the vagina after it has been thoroughly satisfied by a big hard cock or long sticky fingaz.

Right after I banged these two broads I heard a symphony of pussy farts.

by venusflytrap January 18, 2005

1414πŸ‘ 951πŸ‘Ž

flag the dolphin

To masturbate. Expression coined in the movie "There's something about Mary".

It was our first date and I didn't want to be too nervous and look needy. So I flagged the dolphin!

by venusflytrap January 18, 2005

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


to be "eyein'".
when a predator seeks its prey.
often used to describe the staring done by an individual on a sexual prospect at a certain distance.

damn! did you scope the dash on that stife? well did ya?

by venusflytrap October 15, 2006

9πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

stroke da devil

The act of stroking one's own or another's penis; to masturbate.

Ever heard of the Stroke Da Devil Championship where several contestants sit in a circle and the first one to cum wins the first prize. Apparently they don't suck dick. Or so they say.
Wassup J.R.!

by venusflytrap January 18, 2005

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


a nice, firm butt which seems ready for penetration or an oily massage or both.

damn! did you scope the dash on that stife? well did ya?

by venusflytrap October 15, 2006

176πŸ‘ 151πŸ‘Ž

sweetest thing

1. Favorite part of your girlfriend's/boyfriend's body.

2. The act of kissing, nibbling or caressing one's favorite body part of their lover.

3. Being fondled or licked by your partner in his/her favorite area of your body.

4. Mannerism, expression, habit that may seem totally banal to an outsider but that one finds particularly endearing about their soul mate.

1-3."Sweetest thing I've ever known was like a kiss on the collar bone." (Lauryn Hill)

4. Sweetest thing I like about you M.B. is the way you jokingly push me around and nudge me with your hips. I get so aroused by that you have no idea.

by venusflytrap January 18, 2005

20πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Samuel L Jackson

A new beer brand sponsored by the famous actor. First commercial ever aired on the Dave Chapelle Show.

Are you ready for the truth?... and I hope they burn in hell... crazy white boy muthafucka... may I have some of this soft drink to wash this down?...

by venusflytrap January 18, 2005

66πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž