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Zeely Zero

The zeely zero is named for Zeeland Michigan.
Party animals in Zeeland are the odd ones out, so they usually go to Holland for a good time.
That might seem strange to somebody who doesn't know Zeeland. Any activity in Zeeland is most likely going to be low key, lights out, and face down.
Sexually, the population seems to be mostly traditional and male-superior. That means that most of the men who stay at home and indulge their fantasies usually do so doggy style.
So women in Zeeland who like their men that way are said to prefer the Zeely Zero. Zero means no face to face contact during sex. Therefore, mostly zero interaction satisfaction. They might know what it feels like feel but they might know nothing about the person who it belongs to. Zero again.

Overall, then, the zeely zero is not a good thing.

He told her that her looks weren't important. She thought that was a good thing until she found out it meant she would always be face down on the floor during sex.
Damn, she said, I hate zeely zeroes. I'm heading to Holland for a dutch treat.

by verbusaccidentibus August 7, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

roll of the ship

A naval term used as an excuse by somebody who stumbles into the back of another person, often when the penis of the stumbler is in a somewhat turgid state. The stumbler is blaming the way the ship is rolling about in what is probably a heavy sea.

The usual response to that involves a roll of lino. That is a comparison with a roll of linoleum floor covering, i.e. something hard, thick and long. That may be a warning to not do it again, or a thinly veiled invitation to do it again, only more deliberately. Nobody knows which is which until they respond in the wrong way.

Jim Lad: "What the fuck was that???"

Nobby: "Sorry, roll of the ship"

Jim Lad: "Felt more like a roll of lino"

Nobby: "Oh, interested?"

Jim Lad: "Go and fuck yourself"

by verbusaccidentibus August 7, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Doodle Doc

Most people think a doctor has to be a person who helps sick people get better. That's the general idea, but some of them don't get people better. Maybe they are pushing the latest drug that they got free from a drug rep, and the drug is more dangerous than the sickness it's supposed to cure. Maybe they have been at the pop for so long that they can't even read a thermometer let alone their own case notes. Maybe they are religiously persuaded that sin causes some sickness and the sick people need Jesus. Who knows?

But they don't do their job. They are doodle docs.

Willy: I went into surgery and came out with half the surgeons' tools still inside me. Oh, sure, they took'em out. But I will never play the violin again.

Henrietta: Damn those doodle docs

Willy: But you should see my court settlement. I'm richer than the entire hospital staff.

Henrietta: Ah, dear, let me give you a hug.

by verbusaccidentibus August 7, 2010


Six is the name of the android who was the sex slave on the crew of the cartoon Tripping The Rift.

A girl who is Six is so serenatastic that she is probably is an android after all, and therefore most likely designed for one purpose in a virtual world.

And who could argue with that?

Enough of Chode. Give me Six any day. I don't care if she's virtual, I am virtually in love with her.

by verbusaccidentibus August 9, 2010

74๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž