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Meaning one: Niggaflyertron is a word to describe when a black male is going to push through or barge or in some way physically go through a crowd with brute force
Meaning two: when you shout “STORM ( then someone’s name )” you then kick and push them and that makes everyone who is playing a Niggaflyertron which is a common game between teens and adults who are dumb and irresponsible.

Niggaflyertron Meaning one example:
Person one: PUSH THROUGH
person two: shut yo white ass up you Niggaflyertron

Niggaflyertron Meaning two:
Person one: STORM HUDSON
person two: storm Hudson
Hudson: shut up you Niggaflyertrons

by verticalguitarist28 November 16, 2024


Meaning 1: munting is baking lovely cookies for your grandma and isn’t anything else

Meaning 2: eating and sacrificing the short kid at school which is a Swedish practice among secret society’s

Meaning 3: putting your mouth On a part decomposed carcass and the other person jumps on the stomach so the organs and maggots and fluids go into mouth ( illegal and gross )

Person one: let’s go munting
Person two: let’s munt my grandma

Person one: which meaning are you talking about?
Person two: meaning one! Let’s bake some cakes and suprise her!
Person one: YUPIEEE

by verticalguitarist28 December 9, 2024

Theo has curtains

Theo has curtains is a name for someone called theo who is into martial arts and is a complete bad ass “say for example hes called theo curtains” your friend would say

YOOO theo has curtains today doesnt he!
Yeah he so does

Person one: theo has curtains bro
Person two: for real, John keeps knocking out all these old ladies

by verticalguitarist28 December 9, 2024


When someone kills another person and then sucks his dick and makes them cum out blood and when they die they get someone to jump on the body a day or two after and then sucks the maggots and fluids out of their penis. It’s a disgusting thing and the word describes the full illegal act.

Person 1: let’s go shlunging
Person 2: we should do it to billy
*they shlung billy*

by verticalguitarist28 December 9, 2024


hoodsunbudson Is a word for someone who thinks their tough and always have their hood up and smoke weed in their free time even though they look like a fucking twat and they would gain more aura taking a shit in someone’s mouth as if it was the toilet

Person one: I love smoking weed with my hood up
Person two: shut the fuck up you bent little son of a hoodsunbudson

by verticalguitarist28 November 16, 2024