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1. Unlike its distantly related cousin and professionally recognized medical disease, Asperger's Syndrome, "assburgers" is when someone claims mental defect (that they probably don't even have) as an excuse for socially inept or unacceptable behavior. The term "assburgers" is commonly entered as a mocking rebuttal on Internet forums whenever someones tries to evade (using mental defect as an excuse) being called on for poor behavior.

2. Assburgers can also be used to describe anti-social or otherwise retarded, socially inept, or offensive person(s) or groups of people who are tolerated, even welcomed within a particular group, because the host(s) lacks courage or incentive to stand up for moral principles to kick them out.

Spooks making LiveJournal posts about how they have sex with their pets, act shocked when people turn them in to the FBI, and then feign mental defect as an excuse to make their behavior okay.

Dweebs who act shocked and feign mental defect as an excuse after they get banned from Internet forums after making death threats against the forum moderators.

Pedophilic drawings and the people who draw them being welcomed on various on-line artist communities to form their own special clubs on these websites to talk to each other and "make plans". This is a case where the website owners have ASSBURGERS in addition to the individuals of questionable integrity they allow into their club(s).

by violated cucumber December 3, 2009

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