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1- A minor and incredibly unimportant character in the Harry Potter novels. He made his first and only appearance in the fifth Harry Potter book, in the scene where Dumbledore flees Hogwarts school because of the obnoxiously irritating and stupid Ministry of Magic. Is an auror.

2- Harry Potter character made popular by John Noe, co-host of Harry Potter podcast "PotterCast". When facing a shortage of voicemails for their show, John phoned in with a message praising the actor who will be playing Dawlish in the fifth Harry Potter movie. Dawlish is now a household name, and the mere mention of his name makes passerby errupt in laughter.

Chipotle: Hi, you've reached Chipotle, Bob speaking, how may I help you?
Girl: Why hello, I'm looking for Dawwllllllliiiiiissssssh. Dawlish. Is he there?

by vogue girl August 21, 2006

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