tran - adj.
1. Arousing little interest, excitement, or controversy: a tran new book; a tran topic.
2. Marked by no activity or energy: a tran week in the stock market.
3. Sexually unexciting: eew... she's so tran!
4. Old news; dated: that tran jacket was popular 8 years ago.
5. Currently very unpopular or unsuccessful: William Hung is one of the trannest young talents around.
6. Very poor or unimpressive. i'm so tran at math.
7. Performing with a lack of skill or grace: a tran dancer.
8. Timid and dull
9. Defying logic
tranness - n.
1. a tran new book; a tran topic.
2. a tran week in the stock market.
3. eew... she's so tran!
4. that tran jacket was popular 8 years ago.
5. William Hung is one of the trannest young talents around.
6. i'm so tran at math.
7. a tran dancer.
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