A bro, douchbag. A frat boy honky fuck from the 909 with blastic nuts hanging from his raised truck. Gets drunk and starts fights at the county fair.
All the dudes that fuck with harold and kumar are fucking scuds.
The Ozarks (also referred to as Ozarks Mountain Country, the Ozark Mountains, and the Ozark Plateau) are a physiographic and geologic highland region of the central United States. It covers much of the southern half of Missouri and an extensive portion of northwestern and north central Arkansas. The region also extends westward into northeastern Oklahoma and extreme southeastern Kansas.
It is used in slang to mean somewhere that is particularly hillbilly-esque, remote, or home to rednecks. Think of the movie "Deliverance." If you are in the Ozarks, you WILL be raped by hillbillies.
"Man, Hilo is the Hawaiian Ozarks"
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When a company or individual uses the diversity, equity, and inclusion of a show as a shield against criticism.
The way it's done is simple. Create a movie or show and make the cast diverse as insurance. When the movie/show starts to flop, ignore all the sane criticism and cherry pick the most offensive tweets and pretend that it's the norm. Then proceed to blame the fans as toxic, racist, sexist, transphobic, etc.
Doing this gets you free publicity, and increases the reputation of your company with people who believe the narrative. You may also get more viewers who are curious about the controversy, or rabid supporters who then believe that watching the movie/show is a moral imperative for minority rights.
This basically ensures that even if the movie/show is bad, you will still get a return on the investment.
Prima: I don't know, this show seems pretty bad.
Coorporation: You just hate it because you are a scared little white man.
Prima: Stop gaslighting me with your Dei Shielding.
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1. A direct forceful rush by a defensive player in football.
1. The quarterback was caught off guard and a defensive lineman picked up the fumble. His only choice was to bull rush.
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The act of using language to sneak your preferred concept into the minds of others, and in turn, get them to agree with you or to think like you. This can be done by crafting narratives, redefining words, or by creating new words to manipulate the listener.
A prime example is the recent redefinition of the word racism. By changing the definition from racial prejudice, to a system and participants in that system, the entire library of books, speeches, and media dedicated to eradicating the racial prejudice, are now hijacked and used to attack whatever woke people deem to be "part of the system" (whatever that may be).
Through idea smuggling, you can coerce support out of beleaguered and docile people. Just name your group "The puppy rescue organization" and then do whatever you want. When someone criticizes your group, accuse them of hating puppies and standing in the way of rescuing them.
1. A form a paper craft in which cartoon characters are drawn and cut out in such a way that when photographed with proper arrangement, they appear to be interacting with or subject to the environment around them. They often are but need not be children characters or even human.
This is a more modern, more specific application of "breaking the 4th wall."
2. A term for a piece of artwork in this style.
3. A character within the piece.
1. Takashi is my favorite paper child artist.
2. Did you see that paper child that got posted yesterday?
3. I saw this one picture of two paper children fighting, but the artists was pulling them apart.
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