Gamer slang for "destroy."
The term comes from MMORPGs that include a profession that destroys one thing for another. In world of warcraft, enchanting needed an ethereal type of material to craft enchantments on armor and weapons. It was obtained by "disenchanting" other pieces of special armor. The better the armor, the better the material. Because the material came out as dust and crystal shards, people called the act "sharding."
Because "sharding" a piece of armor would destroy it and replace it with expensive crafting materials, it was always a given that if your account was hacked by a chinese Farmer, he would shard all of your epic gear and sell the shards for gold.
It was also common for other players to do the same against one ex boy/girlfriend. See Example 1.
It became so ubiquitous, that it was used in games ever since. See Example 2.
It is also used by gamers in real life. See example 3.
1. I'm in your account, sharding your purples (epic gear).
2. Gragas' explosive barrel can shard a whole team.
3. Did you see that skater fall a second ago? I pretty sure he just sharded his teeth.
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Gamer slang meaning "to destroy" something.
Origin: In world of warcraft, one could destroy gear and turn it into jewel shards. Which could be sold for alot of money. When someone's account got hacked, the hacker would "shard" all the gear and sell the shards. They would then send the gold to themselves, or a stranger as a last fuck you to the player. This was also done by chinese companies who sell game gold online for real money.
She left her character logged in, so I went onto her account to shard her gear. I noticed she had an epic staff, so I sharded that too.
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When a person goes on a date with someone they aren't interested in just so they can get a free meal. Usually done by women, cause let's face it, women almost never pick up the bill. Comes from the words sneaky and eating.
I was wondering why all these dinner dates from Tinder women weren't leading to a relationship. It turns out that women use Tinder for sneating now.
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"White Jew" is an archaic term for Scottish people due to the fact that Scotsman were known for being stingy penny pinching ruthless capitalists (much like the Jewish stereotype) and Jews were not considered white at the time much like Italians or Greeks. This term fell out of favor when "white" began to apply to more and more light skinned groups, and not just western Europeans.
Scrooge McDuck is Scottish for a reason. Why do you think they call the "White Jews?"
1. A weak, cowardly individual.
2. A man who wants to have sex with women but not date them.
3. A male who allows himself to be penetrated anally.
A pejorative term which more than likely was a replacement for the word "faggot."
In the same way that a pool cover is a cover for pools, a fuck boy is a boy for fucking.
Because "faggot" and "gay" are now a terms that are frowned upon, homophobic individuals needed a new anti-gay term to be a synonym for the negative qualities of an individual. Because a person who enjoys being penetrated (girls, male bottoms) are looked down upon as weak or inferior, the term "fuck boy" is now used to mean weak or inferior.
That aside, the term is used for far too many things to have a single definition. Some say a fuck boy is a misogynist that has no intent of dating a girl, just sleeping with her. Others say a fuck boy is a pussy, bitch, or a coward. Others say it is a callous and shallow male.
The first definition seems to be whatever the user wants it to mean, which makes it difficult to distinguish as a homophobic term, as the people using it most likely don't mean to reference homosexual men, despite the original meaning of the term.
It is possibly the modernization of the now frowned upon phrase "That's shit is so gay."
1. "Then this fuck boy lets a dude cut in front of him in line. He doesn't say anything about it, just bitches out and lets the dude walk all over him."
2. "I didn't respond to that guys tindr messages because he's a total fuckboy. Not dating material at all."
3. "Master Kevin walks into the bar with his fuckboy and asks if anyone wants to fuck his boy while he sits down and has a beer. The boy was into it, so I shot my load in his ass."
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