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A megachad to end all chads. He helps his kouhais a lot and is actually the dopest person you'll ever meet, also a charismatic chad that everyone has a crush on, homo or no homo. He talks about gettin all the ladies and you know that it's true cuz he'll snag the dudes too. He gives all his proteges words of wisdom and when they've lost their way, his advice and manly sympathy makes you feel warm inside. He's 6'5 and stronk as hell cause he's pickin up his homies all the time.

K: Yo guess what

M: What happened
K: I was feelin down today cause some ppl were pickin on me, so Ankith told me to pick my feet up cause he's always here to listen to my problems
M: As expected of Ankith
K: Yea I couldn't be where I am today without him

by wawtermelon rat lover November 21, 2021