when ollie announces that he has 4 gloves all filled with water and the bus turns into a clusterfuck
bro lets glovebus Maddie she's being a bitch
When someone eats everything in a fridge
Darcy Jones the Fridge Menace ate everything in the fridge
when u take a girl for gravenal because regural sex is boring
When im in class and i decide "accidently" shoot a wasp at aleahs curviture for recoil
Im fiening for reciol, I feel like going for a waspeah
Shelby is bending over and Gregg meikle is tryna hide his stiffy
look Gregg meikle the pedo is attempting a stide with his hand in his pocket
when your treasure hunting skills are anal and you hit your crush's neighbor's double glaze windows and pay 1k for compensation
bro how did u manage to fuckbomb Aleah's neighbors, I thought we had the right house