Source Code


noun: The most dangerous people in the entire world. Nerds have invented machine guns, assault rifles, armor piercing ammunition, high explosives, napalm, tanks, anti-personnel mines, torpedoes, cannons, surface-to-air missiles, fighter aircraft, bombers, submarines, destroyers, battleships, aircraft carriers, chemical and biological weapons, nuclear bombs, and ICBMs

Every weapon of mass destruction ever concieved of or built was concieved of or built by nerds.

by weasel1969 September 8, 2007

2005πŸ‘ 364πŸ‘Ž

money goggles

A cousin of beer goggles, but applicable to women. Just as beer goggles make unattractive women desirable to men, money goggles make unattractive men desirable to women. So a man can be a complete, misogynistic pig, but if hes a complete, misogynistic pig with 20 million dollars, women are willing to ignore the fact that he is a complete, misogynistic pig thanks to money goggles.

At first, Mindy hated the dirty, loud asshole at the end of the bar. When she found out he had a fleet of sports cars, a mansion in Florida and a Swiss bank account, she put on her money goggles and was soon fellating him in the back of his Rolls Royce.

by weasel1969 September 20, 2007

63πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A combination of midget and Hitler. Describes a tyrannical boss or supervisor who is also a dwarf.

He: "That little asshole supervisor who makes the weekly schedule is making us work Saturday!"

Me: "What a fucking midgitler!"

by weasel1969 August 18, 2008

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

dino buddy

noun: A character or creature in a movie, usually a sci-fi or fantasy, who exists solely to sell merchandise, toys and drink cups at McDonalds. Other than that, they add nothing to the plot. Named after a "Saturday Night Live" commercial parody from the 1990s called "Philadelphia Action Figures". The Tom Hanks figure had a flamethrower, net launcher and a "dino buddy" side kick.

Aniken Skywalker and his dino buddy, Jar Jar Binks walked into the cantina for a space beer.

by weasel1969 July 2, 2007

47πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

dino buddy

noun: In a movie, usually a sci fi or fantasy, a creature or character who exists only to sell merchandise, toys and drink cups at McDonalds. Other than that, it adds nothing to the plot. Named after a Saturday Night Live sketch from the 1990s for "Philadelphia" action figures.

Aniken Skywalker and his dino buddy Jar Jar Binks walked into the cantina for a space beer.

by weasel1969 July 2, 2007

39πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Measurable Eternity

A known period of time that isn't really that long but still seems to take forever.


The last day of school before summer vacation begins.

The last 10 minutes of work before a 3 day weekend.

Waiting through all the ads and trailers before the movie you went to see starts.

Any business meeting.

Our weekly staff meeting at work was another measurable eternity. With every minute that passed I could feel whole geological epochs passing.

by weasel1969 December 25, 2019

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The sound I make while watching Family Guy.

Family Guy was on and I emitted a yawn.

by weasel1969 August 22, 2007

91πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž