when the impostor, from the video game labelled among us, is deemed as incredibly suspicious.
in this game, you vote one another out based on who is the ''sussiest'', according to the term definition i just gave.
you are to complete tasks in a ship, where the game initially takes place. per game, there are usually about one-to-two impostors. the rest would be considered regular crewmates.
the impostors job is to murder said crewmates- if all are killed, the impostor wins. if the impostor is caught out, the crewmates succeed, and win.
green: personally, i believe that pink is behaving in quite a sussy manner. perhaps we should, as a collective, ponder upon whether we should vote them out. although, if they are not the impostor, it would make me look... a fool. a sussy fool- if you will.
red: i agree. perhaps it is best to be safe than sorry, green. its all through the method of persuasion.