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The phenomenon that occurs when a man's testicles become sweaty and stick to the side of his leg.

Yo, I've got some mad slankage going on.

by wes February 4, 2003

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a.) someone or something that kicks supreme ass, usually when describing sports or other physical activities.

b.) a total badass.

That guy is a goddamn savage!
Woah...that was savage!

by wes November 19, 2003

33πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

w0t w0t

created by shadowraven and renegad3, a shortened, yet not shorter version of w00t.

i r t3h 1337357 cs play3r w0t w0t

by wes July 16, 2003


A word yelled in a specific fashion by a specific lovely girl.


A very scary noise made by some who intends to make you laugh.

Rooooooooooooooar *in hilary's weird voice that makes me laugh*

by wes February 17, 2003

1πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A word to describe the current place you are residing in; usually implemented when departing.

"Yo Tedo, I'm out of this piece. Holla"

by wes June 20, 2003

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familiar term for the male genitals - penis and testicles

'His trousers ripped and his snewins were hanging out'

by wes February 26, 2005

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Raging Bull

The best movie of the 80's. A powerful, raw and poetic masterpiece.

-Raging Bull is the greatest movie of the 80's. Don't you agree Arlo?
-No, I am going to say-- Taxi Driver.
But that came out in 1976.
-Oh, then Evil Dead II.
-You're a dumbass.
-I know. I am about to leave for the Korova Milk Bar, chat later. We're talking good horrorshow.
-Peace out bitch.

by wes December 11, 2004

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