A best friend that is acting strange and seems to be hiding something from you.
Duder 1: "So, dude I'm moving in with my girlfriend in a couple months. I couldn't hang out on Saturday because we were looking at apartments."
Duder 2: "You son of a bitch! I knew something was going on. You were totally acting like a shady bff."
Duder 1: "Ha ha yeah dude sorry. I was going to tell you, I just didn't want you to get mad!"
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Alternate term for the bloody days of the female menstrual cycle. Most commonly used in public places.
Duder 1: "Yo man did you get laid last night?"
Duder 2: "No doggy, it's marinara season."
Duder 1: "Oh snap! That sucks."
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The act of ditching your current pet at your parent's house because you are tired of it and want to get a new one. Pet drop-offs are most commonly executed by kids who have parents that are pushovers.
Duder 1: "Yo mang, what happened to your suicidal beagle?"
Duder 2: "Oh you know playa, I had to leave him at my parent's right quick. I wanted to get these two cats anyway."
Duder 1: "Whoa dude that's harsh. You said goodbye after all those years by doing a pet drop-off? Damn!"
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When you go and type something only to find that your fingers aren't on home row.
Duder 1: where was your field trip doggy?
Duder 2: this place in Seattle, it was pretty fun. At least I got out of work.
Duder 1: nivr
Duder 2: what the fuck?
Duder 1: *nice, lol, my fingers were off the home keys
Duder 2: nice home row slip you fuck up
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When a person flashes 2 or more other people out of guilt. This is mostly done with peer pressure and in situations where one of the flashees is about to move away.
Duder 1: "C'mon dude show us your dick. It's legendary. And Garrett is going to move away soon. You'll never see him again."
Duder 2: "Fuck no!"
Garrett: "C'mon dude, I'll never see you again."
Duder 2: "Ok...."
Duder 1: "Yes! Flash of guilt works everytime!"
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The term used for a man's nutsack that has one piercing on the right testicle.
Duder 1: "Dude I saw Jarmaal's package the other day in the locker room. He's totally got his right testicle pierced. It's so nasty."
Duder 2: "Say what? He's rockin' an Elton John sack?"
Duder 1: "Yeah! He thinks it makes his cock look bigger."
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A loser that loves raids and will thoroughly explain what a raid is to anybody that doesn't know.
Duder 1: "So your dad does what all day? Raids on WOW? What the hell is that?"
Duder 2: "So you can go to these hella difficult areas and you need hella people to go with you, then you all coordinate your attacks and shit and you have to be alert like the whole damn time and you cant leave the group for like hours. All that just for the chance that you might get something nice out of the dead bodies."
Duder 1: "Damn I didn't need to know that you raid nerd. Ha ha I still love you though."
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