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similar to omg, omfg is pronounced o-mm-ffeh-geh. to expres even more shock.

another history test omfg

by wheatley boy January 3, 2009

4👍 13👎

dick cheney

a very bad shot

i went hunting with dick cheney and lost a lrg

by wheatley boy January 5, 2009

13👍 2👎


pronounced o-mm-geh. often said to exclaim shock at somthing.

we've got another history test, omg

by wheatley boy December 17, 2008

11👍 13👎


1. (what it actually was) an order of people who had controvrtial ideas that scared people so they were banned in 1785 and ceased to exist.

2. (what ignorant people and idiots think it is) a secret sociaty that is run mostly by jews and aliens to get money and power and introduce a new world order.

needless to say its an excuse for crackpots and nutters to spread stupid conspiricy theories and anti semitism. the illumitati were a bunch of people who thought that the world would be better if it was run by a few people in sercret rather than by a load of differant countries but most people thought that was bad and they banned them.
there were never more than 2000 members of the illuminati

ignorant, idio,t redneck, racist, illiterate piece of brain dead shit, says: the illuminati will take over soon the jews will take all your money and aliens will rape you

by wheatley boy December 26, 2009

136👍 188👎