A man freed of all charges and the one and ONLY founder of "Bon's Burgers", a restaurant opened in 1974. He had a wife named Linda Thompson who broke up with him and left her diary at his house, claiming he was an alcoholic. After dealing with legal paperwork due to the disappearance of his best friend Jack Walten, he had the brilliant idea to re-open the restaurant and restore the animatronic performers for "The Relocate Project", which was unsuccessful.
He did NOT crash the car.
He did NOT kill them.
He received NO phone calls that night.
He did NOT have anything to do with any mysterious circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Mr. Walten or death of anyone in the restaurant or the K-9 Facility.
As far as the police know, he is NOT GUILTY.
And it should stay like that.
"Dude, Felix Kranken denied any involvement with the tragic circumstances around his establishment, so it must be true."