its like the vatican, but for mormons- its located in salt lake city, utah....most ppl refer to it as 'the temple square'
apparenly its shunned upon to wear shorts at the mormatican
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wen sumthing stops operating properly
freakin controller crapped out. -crap out
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ok stickies r wut the plasma grenades r called if u have played xbox(live) for more than an hr....everyone calls them this, simply because in a battle saying plas-ma gren-ade....takes way too long, too many syllables...its much easier doing the stick-ies....way better.....they r by far the most entertaining, and effcient(besides sniping) way to kill opponents(or teammates)
other associated words plasma grenade large beautiful blue explosion of doom
blue1:i just stuck a red guy!
red1:{runs around like a chicken with its head cut off} I JUST GOT STUCK!!{large beautiful blue explosion of doom}
blue1:i do love stickies
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this is known to many as having sucessfully stuck some1 while playing halo/halo 2 with a plasma grenade
i totally gave that n00b a large beautiful blue explosion of doom that wont be too soon to forgot...
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anything that is boner-inducing
matt's hott sister is pantstastic
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