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noun - A bro in training. Typically, but not always, 17 or 18 years old.

Chad is still in High School. I'm taking him under my wing as my brotege.

by wijiwang July 11, 2008

37👍 2👎


A condom used for Bro Sex, additionally smells like a can of Axe body spray

"Lets go play Gamecube, Bro!" "No, Bro!, not without a brovalactic"!

by wijiwang July 11, 2008

1👍 1👎


noun - The finishing move in a Bro rape.

I performed a finishing move on Chad. It was a brotality!

by wijiwang July 11, 2008

13👍 5👎


Noun - Antidepressent for Bro Rape victims.

I was chillin and listening to Jack Johnson with the bros. Before I knew it, I just gave them 4 blow jobs. My doctor prescribed me Broloft for the pain.

by wijiwang July 11, 2008

4👍 5👎


Noun - is an exercise machine designed for the Bro anatomy. specifically works the chode muscle

"Hey bro, I'm going to the gym. Wanna come?"

"Nah bro, I'm good. I got a Broflex at home".

by wijiwang July 11, 2008

22👍 10👎


pronoun - flavored water specifically formulated for bros.

Bropel, fitness water, now with Brotein. Filtered using reverse osbrosis.

by wijiwang July 11, 2008

3👍 2👎