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a republican is a specail person who needs help.

the war is WRONG. if you think that bush is doing the rite thing you are an idiot. bush is i liar. he lied to everybody, and these republican idiots went and voted for the monkey. i mean not even i'm that dumb. voting for bush b/c of abortion i can under stand but otherwise your a fuckin idiot.
can't wait till 2008!!!!!

a stupid person who most likely voted for bush.

by willfishforfoodtwice March 7, 2005

114👍 103👎

Goerge W. Bush

Goerge W. Bush is a hypocritical pupet of oil and big buisness. His "reason" reason for the war was, originaly, that there were wmd's in irac, but there weren't any. The real reason that over 2000 American soldiers have died? oil, and power.

there aren't enough curses to describe such a stupid, lying, person. If anyone in thier right mind would call IT a person. Goerge W. Bush is turning Americaa into a communist country.

by willfishforfoodtwice November 5, 2005

120👍 99👎