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narcissist spectrum asshole NSA

someone (most typically male) who has been group diagnosed and thus medically confirmed by dating females as falling anywhere along the dial between garden variety and full blown narcissist sociopath/psychopath.

if you don’t know what a narcissist is, or these other hijacked psychology terms suggest you ref urban dictionary, top ten signs you are dating one on website blogs or any one of a growing number of Instagram accounts set up by the NSA conglomerate to explain what the hell is going on. This network has single handedly defined the grail most psychologists can only grasp at. They equip themselves and others by banding together and getting the communication out there

Diagnoses may include multiple stops along the personality disorder rainbow. Toxic masculinity and male entitlement over many millennia seem in part to play a role in this disease series

client: do you think I’m the reason I’m miserable? maybe I just need to look more at myself and get back into my hobbies and stop blaming and criticizing him -gets up to leave the session
veteran1: see how you aren’t trusting yourself! get me a Starbucks in here stat
veterans2: no, please sit down. all our combined notes have identified you are in a trauma bond with a level 3 NSA with multiple personality disfunctions. we’re prescribing this blog and a heavy dose of trusting yourself and other veterans. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY

by williet hughnot December 1, 2019

9👍 4👎

gone rogue

a state of defiance that ever so slowly creeps in after the tears and getting burned one time too many. when an abused person finally has their epiphany and realizes they are just everybody’s punching bag, a generally good person who always gives too much, loves too much, always first to apologize just rolls over and still everyone just keeps taking and using and asking for even more. when they’ve finally gotten mad and start tripping the system, misbehaving, being bad and breaking the rules for maybe the first time ever, they’ve gone rogue. funniest when it’s really out of character for someone and justified.

A great example is the Joker. Everyone gets it and actually roots for him even though he is bad, because they know what he came out of and he is finally fighting back. Going rogue against a corrupt system that always keeps you down is something people can get behind. It means going bad, turning to the dark side, going from a straight A student to someone who smokes pot and skips school.

boss: where is Amanda today? The meeting is in ten minutes and we need her slides for the presentation!
Amanda: -walks in very late with shades on snapping gum and with a Denny’s breakfast to go- I’ve got your damn slides and you’ll get them on USB at the meeting
co-worker: damn Amanda’s gone rogue!
secretary: did someone leave this photocopy of their ass in the printer on purpose because I’m offended.

by williet hughnot January 27, 2020

15👍 4👎

ho bags

when he has to go on his trip and you ask him oh can you bring the trash to the curb before you leave thanks baby muah. but he is in such a rush to catch the plane and he’s grabbing his coat briefcase and coffee he mistakenly loads the trash in the trunk. he gets to the resort paid for by his work, that man being so appreciated by the company, and the guy with the cute cap says “can I get your bags sir” and your man tweep tweeps the sick rental to the guys surprise. luckily he brought the cart and shrugging he goes ahead and loads the ho bags dropping them by the pool bar as your man checks in.

Guy1 at pool bar: god I hate the smell of stale beer and styrofoam the day after the banana cabana limbo
Guy2: ha ha that’s just the ho bags from the guy who just checked in

by williet hughnot January 10, 2020

10👍 3👎


when you finally get a good angle, lighting and do not look at all fat resulting in a great selfie. you use this selfie at least 5+ times on your social media with different filters, layouts and staging. you falsely joke to your followers that it’s the last post with that selfie but it isn’t. it’s the overburn, you even send it in dms to fake ig personas. only results in one of about every 200 photos on average.

girl: I love this selfie, I’m going to create a layout with it surrounded by stipple so I can use it as a profile pic
everyone: you’ve used that pic 8 times and it’s from last summer. also, you clipped off your body and it’s very deceptive
girl: I don’t have time to stage another selfie right now

everyone: great another reshuffled post with the overburn photo we love it so much keep them coming

by williet hughnot January 2, 2020

10👍 1👎


a term used in the eighties and nineties when techno (electronic music) was mainly something the Europeans and foreign exchange students were into, or the international students. the only place American youth were exposed to techno music at that time were at clubs that teenagers had to use fake IDs to get into, that were either thrown up warehouses where you could still smell the chipboard, or four-level cigar-smoke filled buildings in downtown DC named “Z Club” or Baltimore “Egypt” nothing in between.

eurotrash were the international guys who tumbled into the club or local mall out of a smoke filled yugo, van or delorian-nothing in between. unmistakable the vehicles were lit with neon trim, were often stacked with car stereos and booming electronic music. commonly with at least one friend with a German or Indian accent, signature heavy cologne and offering drugs unknown at the time in the US, at least one of these guys would have been hot if not for hanging with at least one guy way to old for the scene who was abjectly creepy and awkward.

club girls: guys finish your cigarettes, purple haze and wine coolers, I think it’s late enough to go in
eurotrash pull up: cough cough, heleuuu. how are you fine ladies, see you in there yeah
girls: I bet they got moves though

by williet hughnot January 27, 2020

10👍 2👎


an annoyed form of the word “anyhow” that means “anyways...” or “moving on...” with a slight pause. usually accompanied by an eyeroll and/or sigh and sometimes over-exaggerated flip of a magazine page like “who really cares”.

generally signifies something significant has happened but, is over now and so, can we all please move on and stop discussing it. To really put an end to it one can add “so what’s new in the world...” it’s over.

friend: ...of course then she was all over him at the party and they left together even though he totally had a girlfriend and she knows it... Anyhoo.. eyeroll...sigh
friend2: so do you think this nail color goes with what I’ll be wearing tonight

by williet hughnot January 27, 2020

17👍 4👎


you used to be great

playing in background at dive bar: glory days they will pass you by glory days...
drunk guy at bar: yeah i lost a few in the midst of the cornucopia I guess... being captain of the football team it was like that man. understandably they all wanted me
woman in ear shot: previously

by williet hughnot December 19, 2019

14👍 6👎