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Siri is the most sexiest person you will ever meet, so treat him right! You wont be able to find better person than him. He have a massive penis of 42 cm, and beautiful boddy. And if you think it's a girl or guy from iphone, it's not! It's a real boy, so don't lose him because of his sick nickname. He will do anything you want, just like one from iphone. He will always help his friends. So don't lose him!

Hey yall, Siri's comming

by windfcker November 23, 2021


Duje is such a handsome guy with a large penis. He can have all the girls if he wants to, but he don't. He don't give an one actual f*ck about life. He has a such an beautiful boddy and big fat juicy ass. He is just a perfect guy .

Woooah, here he is, a wind-fucker Duje!

by windfcker November 22, 2021