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(eng.: to sink) When a comrade manifest reading at an annual Schnorchelparty, Gemüsefest or Dunstgemüseparty gets too dank and your "brat" (yugoslavian.: brother) bows to the corrupt capitalist society.

Rüdiger:"I'm completely eintaucht (eintauchen), let's get Mcdonalds!"
Lothar:"You're sinking m8."(German: Hawi du gehst unter.(untergehen))

by wissensfurz November 5, 2017


(eng.: snorkel party) An especially dank gathering of the comrades for the act of THC consume. Originated from the word and synonym "Schnorchel" that is a tool for consumption, just like consumption is a tool for capitalsism. A "Schnorchel" is also used to dive.

Rüdiger:"Hey Lothar, did you see the urban dictionary definition of "the Snorkel"? These kind of definitions are complete bullcrap. down with the bourgeoisie. Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch! ("Proletarians of all countries, unite!")
Lothar:"Man you are making this Schnorchelparty even better."

by wissensfurz November 5, 2017


Next level "Gemüse party"; The evening after a night of exessive alcoholic substance abuse and minimum of possible sleep(less than 2 hours) on which you decide to go to another party. No physically strengthening means of producti(/on)vity ( staying hydrated, caffein, food) were induced. Mostly no refreshening shower in the morning was taken, for that reason we refer to "Dunst"(eng. haze) as the occuring body odor as well as the nonsense one expresses in the state of Dunstgemüsefest.

Rüdiger:"Do you realise that Dunst is german for haze? "
Lothar: "This is a complete Dunstgemüsefest. You are talking so much crap. And you smell like shreks asshole."

by wissensfurz November 5, 2017

Gemüse party

A cheerful gathering consisting of a few people that are in some way physically restricted. Be it age (Reference to vegetables), mental intelligence or the postalcoholic "fullfettn".

Example of a vienna citizen:"Heast oida gestern woa eigentlich ua leiwand aber wenn ma heut nomal was machn wird des vull die Gemüse party".

by wissensfurz November 5, 2017


(eng.: dive) Smoking the haze at a Schnorchelparty. The deeper the danker. But don't sink.

Pedestrian conversation in Austrias green heart, Styria.:
Rüdiger:"Дру́жба comrade!"
Lothar. "Rüdiger bist scho wida vui eintaucht?" (eintauchen = eng. dive/ Rüdiger did you already dive espacially deep?"

by wissensfurz November 5, 2017