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acronym for Random Capitalization Disorder, a texting disease which causes one to capitalize random words in a sentence.

RCD is also a contagious disease. when one person has RCD and someone begins to copy it, they quickly fall victim to it. usually, the disorder impacts their mind and their ability to rationally think, so they may spew nonsense when you ask them why they do it, such as "it just feels right!", and "it's like adding flavor to your text!"

usually, RCD is out of habit, and ones who suffer from it don't think about it, it is subconcious. the only effective way to prevent RCD is to abstain from it.

ricardo: "yo whats up Bro u still doin that Thing ?"
jamal: "why are you typing like that"
ricardo: "watchu Mean"
jamal: "like This, you are Typing like This"
ricardo: "you Have RCD now"
jamal: "oh Fuck oh Shit oh Fuck Shit"

by wobwobrevolution February 19, 2021