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tesco value

adjective. Something very cheap, but still of eatable, usable quality. not just used for produce of tesco, but also for services. for example, a tesco value film would have bad special effects but would still be alright

-mmm tesco value chicken soup

- yeah, it goes well with The tesco value film, THe invisible man

by wonderfool April 2, 2004

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we all know what it means, just we dont know how to pronounce it.

I prefer my way of saying www. your's takes too long

by wonderfool December 3, 2003

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the student union club at cardiff nightclub, apparently the biggest of its sort in the country. it could be worse. it even has "alternative" nights. but normally its your average nightclub

A)wow-only 6 shit things are happening in solus this week
B) thats coz its closed on sundays

by wonderfool December 1, 2003

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act where two people become so much like each other, they take on all their isms, and all the useless shit they have in their character gets slowly into the other's character

before, Tarro was a normalish person. or maybe i was before. anyway, when we became friends we conjungdiated and now we're both total weirdoes because of the friendship

by wonderfool December 1, 2003


a person who you bump into, normally in a club or a festival campsite, who comes up and talks to you, and you have a long pointless conversation. normally the random and yourself are pissed when said conversation occurs. if in a festival campsite, give the random a beer, or wine or dope.

We' were getting stoned at Glasto, when this random wearing a Velvet Underground T-Shirt came into our circle and chatted to us about his vision he had.

by wonderfool December 1, 2003

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