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cat. this is the cuneiform for the ancient akkadian word /šurānu/, which means cat. derived words include the arabic "سنور", which means cat.

- I saw a cute 𒊓𒀀 a while back
- A what now?
- Oh, you know, a 𒊓𒀀
- How are you even doing this with your mouth? What the fuck?

by xXx_cheezeLover69_xXx May 16, 2021


The four keyboard keys most commonly used for movement in 3D games in the wrong order. See also WASD (the correct order).

Person 1: Bro I just can't get used to the WSAD controls.
Person 2, who has immediately classified Person 1 as an idiot: Haha whatever you say, man.

by xXx_cheezeLover69_xXx October 25, 2019

6👍 7👎


A trans woman who is a lesbian, meaning attracted to other women.

Attraction may sometimes include all trans people or even be limited to trans people.

Oh, sorry, I don't date cis men, I'm a t4t transbian.

by xXx_cheezeLover69_xXx January 11, 2024