When something annoys, aggravates, disturbs or gets on your nerves or ruins your good mood.
Past Tense: Blew my shit
Present Tense: Blowing my shit
Alternate: Blowin mine
He just wouldn't get off my case about it and just shut up like for real all he do is *blow my shit*
Bruh my moms just wouldnt stop blowing up my phone while I'm at my boy house she really *blowin mine* right now
when someone is OD on your case about something, pressin you heavy for something, or just won't leave you alone.
"Bruh you asking me mad questions, like, you *on my body* OD, just chill out gang"
when someone is all up in your business or on your case especially for no reason.
Teacher: Why didn't you do the homework?
Student: Why you on my body?